Thursday, February 22, 2018

Liberation Music !!

The track 'Martin Was a Man, a Real Man' by Oliver Nelson nearly brings me to tears. This compilation of Flying Dutchman revolutionary, "Power to the People" music is incredible. Some songs you'll most likely be well familiar with. Others, not so much. Hopefully, this album will move you as it did me. Enjoy ...

Liberation Music:
Spiritual Jazz and the
Art of Protest on Flying
Dutchman Records
Various Artists

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Fulfillments !!

Well, you all certainly asked for some great music. Some of which, I am just now learning about. Just another reason that I like to ask for requests: you guys teach me a lot about music; believe me! On that note, I can only fulfill two specific albums. Guitarradeplastico definitely has me curious about these Kisa albums, and that Bill Cosby presents sounds really good, but I don't have it. However, I do have a pretty wicked jam session album that Bill Cosby & Quincy Jones did together. I think it'll suffice, for now. Please, keep the requests coming. And, if you have anything you'd like to share with us on An Ism, send it my way. If you want to do so anonymously, you can private message me here. Again, the sharing and learning of music is what drives this blog. Enjoy ...

Walter Hawkins
Love Alive

Bill Cosby & Quincy Jones
The Original Jam Sessions

Francis Lai
13 Jours en Frances